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2016 Men’s Pennant Update

Back in August 2015, following an SGDGA review of the pennant competition format, the Club entered teams in all four divisions for the 2016 season based upon the understanding that the Pennant competition format would most likely be changed for the upcoming season, and that we had sufficient low handicap golfers. However this was found not to be the case, and the pennant draw for 2016 was sent to Clubs in October with no changes to the format – Divisions 1 and 2  scratch play, Divisions 3 and 4 handicap play as previous seasons.

At it’s last Meeting held in November, the Men’s Committee unanimously agreed that we should attempt to withdraw our Division 1 team from the upcoming 2016 SGDGA Pennant season. This decision was based upon the lack of low handicap players within the Club willing to play pennant for us, and the given this, the likelyhood that any Division 1 team we were able to field would be once again be hoplessly uncompetitive, leading to low morale and enjoyment of pennant by players who sacrificied themselves to allow us to field a Div 1 team.  Our withdrawal from Div 1 would also prevent the situation of the stronger teams dropping players to Div 2 when they played against us in Div 1. This did nothing for the integrity of the whole competition.

To this end, in mid December I wrote to the SDGDA requesting that we be allowed to withdraw our Div 1 team. The SDGDA Executive have met this week and granted permission for us to do so. We will still be fielding teams in Division 2 (Scratch competition) and Divisions 3 and 4 (both handicap competitions) this season, and thus will still give those of you who want to play pennant a game in either a scratch Division or a handicap Division. Expressions of interest for playing pennant for us this year will be called for shortly. The season commences on Sunday 20th March.

Following the resignation due to work and other committments of our encumbent Pennant Coordinator Dan Poynton, we will also require somebody to take over that role for the 2016 season. Should you be interested in the position, I would very much like to hear from you. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my thanks, and those of my Committee, to Dan for the hard work and enthusiasm he bought to the position.

Finally, the SGDGA have also flagged the possibility of a change to the pennant format from 2017 onwards. They have proposed a new format comprising 2 scratch and 2 handicap divisions as is current, but with Clubs only being allowed to field one team in the scratch divisions. A promotion and relegation system would operate between Div 1 and 2 at the completion of the season.

Each Club is being invited to provide feedback on the proposal at the upcoming SDGDA AGM to be held on Feb 3rd. The proposed format will be displayed on the noticeboard in the clubhouse by Saturday, and you are welcome to provide your thoughts on the proposed format to me in person or by email at

Peter Waters

Men’s Captain



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