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Month: August 2018

Stableford – August 30

Trevor Moss was today’s winner with a very good 40 points.  Congratulations Trevor.  Brian Wall was unlucky to miss out with the day’s next best score of 37 points.

Doug Clemann won A grade on a countback from Chris Leaver to win A grade with 36 points.

Geoff Maher wan B grade with 35 points pipping Peter Buttinger on a countback.

Chris Leaver hit two excellent golf shots to win nearest the pin on both the 14th and the 16th.

Click here to see all today’s prizewinners 

from L to R – Trevor Moss,  Geoff Maher and Doug Clemann

aug 30

Wednesday 29th August 2018 – Captain’s Day Ambrose 3’s

Today’s event and raffle was very generously sponsored by Trish Owen.  There were 42 players who enjoyed perfect golf conditions.  The winners were Toni West, Loris Clark & Sue Bowler with a score of 60 2/3.  Runners-up were Rebecca Thomas, Wendy Brown and Danita Hall with 63 1/6.  Both winning teams had a mother and daughter combination.  Congratulations to everyone.

There were 6 players in the 9 hole comp, with the winner being Karen Murchie (38) with 19 points.

Please click here for 18 hole results

Please click here for 9 hole results

Captain’s Changeover Day – August 28

Today’s event was a 2 person Ambrose event where outgoing Captain Andy Bassett fielded a team against incoming Captain Colin Bear.

The new captain’s team just snuck in for a tight win with an average net score of 70.6 against Andy’s team’s average score of 71.1

The best score of the day was net 66.25 by the pairing of John Cadd and Peter Buttinger, with Bert Borg and Frank Thomas running second on a countback with a net 65.5.

Click here to see the scores of all the happy members of the winning team.

Outgoing captain Andy Bassett (left) with new captain Colin Bear

captain changeover

August 23 – Afternoon Stableford

The new Thursday afternoon competition is bubbling along with members enjoying the opportunity to play later in the day.

Colin Bear won today’s event with 35 points to win on a countback.

Karen Bear  (35 points) and Rene Zeller (33 points) won down the line balls.  New member Malcolm Allchin was unlucky to miss out on a countback with 33 points in his first competition round at the club.

Click here to see all of today’s results

Thursday 23/8/2018- Gentsomes.

It was nice to see the sun out today and a good field of 80 enjoyed the Gentsome event with the winning team of Chris Leaver, Trevor Moss, Kevin Scott & Peter Hartigan coming in with 98 points to pip the team of Jeff Brewer, Paul Luck, Rod Hopcraft and Bruce Clark on countback.

For a full wrap of scores click here;

Gentsomes Winners


Gentsome Winners Trevor Moss, Peter Hartigan, Kevin Scott & Chris Leaver

BJS Insurance 2018 Top Gun

2018 Top Gun is up and running with 40 golfers already vying for a place in the final 19.  It’s not too late to enter, you never know when that next great round is going to happen.  Just enter at the golf shop.

Thanks to BJS Insurance for their continuing support of this fun event.

Check out the leading scores at this early stage by clicking on the tab below.

BJS Insurance Top Gun 2018

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