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Month: September 2018

Saturday Stableford 29th September

Men’s Stableford Results Saturday 29th September.

63 Players hit the course on Grand Final Day.

The weather turned out in favour of the players. And one player in particular “Scotty Blencowe”  took advantage of the reasonably conditions

A-Grade winner: Scotty Blencowe  44 Points

B-Grade winner: Barry Attwood   37 points

C-Grade winner: Glenn Marsham 36 Points

Click Here for full prize report click here.



Sunday the 7th October sees the start of the Gordon West Nine Hole Competition.

It is a 9 hole stroke event, played on the back nine. Played off the Yellow markers, along with some red markers for the ladies.

Maximum of 10 shots per hole.  Tee off time is between 7-30 to 9-30 am.

Teams of Seven (7) Top four scores from each team are counted. Teams made up of Men, Ladies or Mixed.

If you want to put a team together, please enter the team name and members on the sheet on  the club house notice board. (by Friday 5th)

If you are not part of a team, and wish  play, just turn up on the day and Pat West will put you in oe of the team for that day.


Kevin Scott 1 001

Ladies Stableford Saturday 29th September


      Saturday 29th September

Eight ladies fronted the starter on what turned out to be (weather wise) a not a bad for chasing that little white ball around.

Winner with 28 points off a handicap of 29 was Coral Gray .

Balls down the Line went to    Maryanne Gartner 27 Points

Amy Blencowe  24 Points.

Womens Stableford Wednesday 26th September 2018

Todays event was sponsored by Dot Stubbs and Di Williams.  There were 36 players in the 18 hole event today enjoying perfect golfing weather, with the winners being A Grade Maxine Eabry (21) 33 points, B Grade Julie Howard (29) 31 points, and C Grade Maryanne Gartner (34) 34 points.

There were 5 players in the 9 hole competition today with the winner being Karen Murchie (38) 15 points C/B.

Please click here for 18 hole results

Please click here for 9 hole results

Saturday Stableford September 22

Today we had 79 players play our stableford event in perfect conditions


Overall Winner: Phil Douglass with 38 points

A-Grade Winner: Barry Attwood with 37 points

C-Grade Winner: Ian Debbenham with 37 points

14th NTP: Daniel Yeap with 4.7m

16th NTP: Russell Williams with 2.1m


Click Here for the full prize report


Ladies winner was Rebecca Wilson with a score of 34 points

NTP: Wendy Parker 5.2M

Click Here for the full prize report

Hickory Golf Day – Sunday 7th October 2018.

Hickory Golf Coming to Leongatha Golf Club

Following the first round of the G & P West, 9 hole event on Sunday 7th October, Leongatha Golf Club will be hosting members of the Golf Society of Australia (GSA) at for a history forum, light lunch and 9 holes of golf using their hickory shafted golf clubs.  The golf history buffs will be given a brief outline of LGC history and the making of our wonderful Vern Morcom course, by club historian Jon Smith.

This is a great opportunity for new (and old) members to learn more about their Club, as well as anyone in our community with an old set of hickory clubs in the garage, to pull them out, dust them off, put on your old tweeds and plaids and join in the experience.  We invite anyone interested in golf (and golf history) and looking to have some fun, to come along and join in the day.


LGC’s Kevin Castwood (far right) and GSA members at their recent hickory day at Kingston Heath GC.

Hickory Day

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