Eight teams made up of 64 players finally got away in the first round of the Invy Espy Hotel 2019 Super League.
With many scores in the mid to high thirties, the Super League team certainly had their hands full working out the winners. Anne Gibson with a great score of 42 points took out the inaugural Rod Brown Best & fairest.
Team Possums will certainly be closely watched by the Super League management in round 2.
They came flying out of the starters blocks by a great win (141) and percentage builder over Team Echidnas (125)
Ladder: 1: Possums 4 Points 112.80% 2: 4 points 105.51 3: 4 Points 105.19% 4: Points 100.75%
5: Koalas 0 99.26% 6: Platypuses 0 95.07% 7: Kookaburras 0 88.65% Echidnas 0 88.65%

Wendy Brown and Bec Thomas presenting Anne with the inaugural Rod Brown Best & Fairest.
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