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Month: March 2020


The Board of Leongatha Golf Club  have decided that in light of the continued rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout Victoria, we can no longer keep the club open for either our members or the public. As a result, THE COURSE, CLUBHOUSE AND PRACTICE FACILITIES WILL BE CLOSED FROM 25TH MARCH FOR ALL GOLFERS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.


We thank you for your understanding in making this decision, we have your health and safety, and the health and safety of our staff  at the forefront of our minds. We look forward to the day when we can announce the  recommencement of golf at our beautiful course. Stay safe, and please abide by the directions the Government is giving regarding isolation etc. This is serious, and we want to all of you to return.



Saturday 21st March 2020 Stableford

Today we had 103 players in our men’s event


With the cups raised the scores were AMAZING today.

Overall Winner: Bob McGeary (16) 47 points

A-Grade Winner: Phil Douglass (13) 45 points

C-Grade Winner: Stuart Harry (23) 42 points

D-Grade Winner: Mitchell Gin (27) 47 points


Click Here for the full prize report


Today we had 26 players in our women’s event

A-Grade Winner: Debbie Miller (29) 43points

B-Grade Winner: Bronwyn Debenham (36) 42 points


Click Here for the full prize report


Stableford – March 19

A big field of 80 players enjoyed perfect conditions for some hot scoring.

The man we know as Hoots, John McInnes, was the hero of the day with a hole in one on the 14th hole.  Congratulations John, top shot.  John becomes our 5th hole in one hero this year.

Tony Gedye won the day’s event with a very hot 39 points knocking off Ian Barlow on a countback.   Ian had to be satisfied with his $30 prize as the B grade winner.  Peter Buttinger and Allan Edney were our C and D grade winners with 38 points each.

Click here to view all the prize winning players and their scores

Womens 18 hole and 9 hole stableford

A field of 38 players competed in the 18 hole stableford today. A grade winner was Bev Reinhard with a score of 33. B grade was won by Wendy Brown with 35  and C grade winner was Lynda Bassett with 36.

The 9 hole competition was won by Lyn Shaw with 20 points, and runner up was Shirley Welsford with 19.

Stableford – March 17

Thank you to all of you for embracing our new COVID19 response of having a rolling start for our game today (and for the foreseeable future)

We have made a few other COVID19 changes with cards now being pre-printed and feed through the computer by one person only.  Nearest the Pin, which involves a manual check of all cards, has also been put on hold for now and replaced with extra Down the Line balls.

Both President Peter and Captain Col had quite a few members approach us to say thanks for taking prompt action in the way we do things in response to the COVID19 pandemic.

Regards today, congratulations to David Child on winning today’s event.  David – make sure you let the family know that you won today and that you are in tip top shape.

A mention to Ken Smirk who is the Round 5 Super League prize winner following his outstanding 42 points last week.  Ken – you’ll have to just pick up your voucher from the counter now that we have no presentations and a chance to laud your praises.

Good hitting and good health to all as we weather this current hardship.

 Today’s results attached for your viewing pleasure.


Saturday Stableford 14/3/2020

Today we had 90 players in our men’s event

Overall Winner: Paul Dell with 40

A-Grade Winner: THOMAS SORRELL with 36


14th NTP: Fred De Bondt at 50cm

16th NTP: Henry Sedelies at 86cm


Click Here for the full prize report



Today we had 13  players in our women’s event

A-Grade Winner: GLENYCE McROBERT with 36

congratulations to Ashleigh Hutton who got an Eagle on hole 17


Click Here for the full prize report

Womens Irish 4BBB Green Day

20 Pairs of ladies clad in all sorts of green regalia enjoyed today’s competition, off the pink tees. The winning pair were Robin Smith and Chris Lay with a score of 48, closely followed by Trish Miller and Ashleigh Hutton with 46.

Marie Sands won the 9 hole competition, also off the pinks, with a score of 21, followed by Lesley Renwick with 16.


Click here for 18 hole results

Click here for 9 hole results

Saturday Stableford 7th of March

Today we had 98 players in our men’s event

Overall Winner: TREVOR RICKARD

A-Grade Winner: Peter Norman

C-Grade Winner: Paul Dell

D-Grade Winner: Andy Horvath

14th NTP: Mark Anderson with 2.01m

16th NTP: Philip Edwards with 1.4m


Click Here for the full prize report


Today we had 16 players in our women’s event

Overall Winner: Liz Hodge


Click Here for the full prize report

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