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Month: May 2020

Saturday Stableford 30/05/2020

Yesterday we had 97 players in our men’s event

Overall Winner: BRYAN SWORD with 40 points

B-Grade Winner: STEVE FISHER with 38 points

C-Grade Winner: Ian Blencowe with 38 points

D-Grade Winner: STUART HARRY with 35 points on a countback


Click Here for the full prize report



Yesterday we had 16 players in our women’s event

A-Grade Winner: SUSAN WYLIE with 37 points


Click Here for the full prize report


Vale George Hines

On behalf of all past and present members of Leongatha Golf Club we extend our sympathies to the family of our past member, George Hines, who passed away recently.

George joined the Club in 1988 and was a prominent and popular member for many years.

Thursday Stableford 28/05/2020

Yesterday we had 97 players in our Thursday event

Overall Winner: Russell Williams with 41

B-Grade Winner: Dylan Clark with 37

C-Grade Winner: Darren Read with 39

D-Grade Winner: Ronald Paice with 39 C/B


Click Here for the full prize report


Wednesday Stableford May 28

Yesterday we had 44 players in our 18 Hole Stableford event


A-Grade Winner: Colleen Touzel with 33 points

B-Grade Winner: Fran O’Brien with 36 points

C-Grade Winner: Barb Miller with 37 points


Click Here for the 18 hole results


We had 14 players in our 9 hole Stableford event


Winner with a great score of 21 points was Cheryl Borg


Click Here for the 9 hole results

Tuesday Stableford 26/05/2020

Yesterday we had 87 players in our Tuesday event.

Overall winner: George Hendry with 39

A-grade winner: Ash Knop with 37

C-grade winner: Gary Sharrock with 36 C/B

D-grade winner: Ronald Paice with 35


Click here to view the full prize report

Online Raffle

Congratulations to William Howson as the winner of this week’s online raffle for the month of May. William will receive a total of $218.25 towards his store credit at the golf club.  We’d like to thank everyone for contributing and getting involved in the online raffle and wish you all the best of luck for next week’s draw.


Drawn: Wednesday 27/05/2020 at 11:45 am

Saturday Stableford 23/05/2020

Yesterday we had 117 players in our men’s event

Overall Winner: RILEY HILDER with 38

A-Grade Winner: CRAIG HAMS with 37 C/B

A-Grade Runners-up: RUSSELL WILLIAMS with 37

B-Grade Winner: PHILIPPE du PLESSIS with 36

B-Grade Runners-up: TREVOR RICKARD with 33 C/B

C-Grade Winner: NICK SHAW with 35

C-Grade Runners-up: JON SMITH with 32 C/B

D-Grade Runners-up: DARREN READ with 37 C/B



Click Here for the full prize report



Yesterday we had 15 players in our women’s event

Overall Winner: REBECCA THOMAS with 38


Click Here for the full prize report

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