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Month: June 2023

Saturday Stableford, 24/06/23

A-Grade Winner: Phil Douglas with 36 points

A-Grade R/U: Jamie Grenville with 35 points

B-Grade Winner: Dan Jolley with 40 points

B-Grade R/U: Lou Fuataga with 34 points on a countback

C-Grade Winner: Gordon Allan with 34 points

C-Grade R/U: Peter Hartigan with 33 points

D-Grade Winner: Graeme Clark with 37 points

D-Grade R/U: Steven Smith with 34 points on a countback

NTP 14: Ian Debenham at 1.27m

NTP 16: Geoffrey Mcdonald at 1.61m

Click here for a full prize report

Thursday June 22


75 players competed in today’s Stableford event

A Grade winner: Andrew Westaway (11) with a score of 41pts

A Grade runner up: Jamie Grenville (10) with a score of 37pts (C/B)

B Grade winner: Geoffrey McDonald (14) with a score of 41pts (C/B)

B Grade runner up: Phillip Edwards (16) with a score of 41pts

C Grade winner: Fred Debono (23) with a score of 39pts

C Grade runner up: Frank Gill (20) with a score of 37pts

Nearest the pin #14: Hugh Goodman 184cm

Nearest the pin #16: Phil Strike 31cm

For full results, please click on the link below:

Wednesday, June 21st

Invy Espy Stableford

A Grade Winner: Trish Owen with a score of 31 points on a countback

A Grade R/Up: Alison Strong with a score of 31 points

B Grade Winner: Wendy Brown with a score of 33 points

B Grade R/Up: Nola Kim with a score of 32 points

Nearest The Pin 14th Kay Dumbleton, 16th Alison Strong

Click her for the prize report

Cart notice

Please be aware that due to continuous rain, there will be no carts allowed on the course today (Monday) or tomorrow (Tuesday). Bunkers will also be out of play both days.

Thursday June 15


80 players competed today in our stableford competition

A Grade winner: Geoff Cohen (13) with a score of 37 pts

A Grade runner up: Michael Thomas (1) with a score of 36pts (C/B)

B Grade winner: Peter Brownlie (17) with a score of 37pts (C/B)

B Grade runner up: Alan Starkey (16) with a score of 37pts

C Grade winner: Frank Gill (23) with a score of 33pts

C Grade runner up: Gordon Allan (23) with a score of 32pts (C/B)

D Grade winner: John Dumont (25) with a score of 35pts

D Grade runner up: Hugh Goodman (26) with a score of 34pts (C/B)

Tuesday June 13, Stableford

Today we had 56 players in the stableford competition

A Grade winner: John Ryan (10) with a score of 40 points

A Grade runner up: Bob McGeary (15) with a score of 38 points

B Grade winner: Michael Delaney (28) with a score of 39 points

B Grade runner up: Jon Smith (20) with a score of 37 points on C/B

Nearest the pin #14: John Ryan 310cm

Nearest the pin #16: Gary McGrath 252cm

Click below for full prize report

Saturday, 10 June 2023


A Grade Winner: Stuart Smith with a score of 38 points

A Grade R/up: Chad Clasby with a score of 37 points on a countback

B Grade Winner: Peter Hart with a score of 38 points

B Grade R/up: Captain Jolley with a score of 37 points

C Grade Winner: Phillip Edwards with a score of 37 points

C Grade R/up: Mel Miles with a score of 36 points

D Grade Winner: Steven Smith with a score of 34 points

D Grade R/up: Richard Harper with a score of 30 points

Nearest the Pin: 14th- Frank Gill, 16th Glen Marsham

Click here for the prize report

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