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Final Field for BJS Insurance Top Gun Shootout.

Today (Thursday 9/11/2017) was the final day of qualifying for the BJS Insurance Top Gun Shootout.  President Peter Waters made par today and with 36 points, pushed his way into the Shootout, relegating Matt Bowey down to 1st Reserve.

The Shootout starts at 09.00 am sharp on Sunday  morning, th12th Nov  and all finalist will need to check in by 08.30 am.  You will also need to bring 3 balls each clearly marked with your ranking number as listed below (ie from 1-19).  Bring plenty of water.

First 9 holes usually takes about 3-3.5 hrs, then a break for a BBQ lunch before the final 9.

A Calcutta Auction was run today by Auctioneer Rohan Mc Crae and plenty of spiritied bidding made Chris Leaver the best backed favourite to take out the title of Top Gun, edging out Jon Smith and Doug Clemann.  I guess Sunday will sort the field out.  Good luck to all 19 Shootout finalists.

Visitors, friends and spectators most welcome.

Rank Surname First Name Best Score B9 B6
1 Roberts Antony 40 22 18
2 Smirk Ken 40 20 13
3 Murchie Ian 40 17 12
4 Leaver Chris 39 22 14
5 Castwood Kevin 39 20 13
6 Clemann Doug 39 18 13
7 Wallace Denis 38 23 15
8 Baker Ian 38 21 13
9 Cathie Bruce 37 20 13
10 Adamson Lianne 37 19 13
11 Smith Jon 37 18 13
12 Smith Andrew 37 18 11
13 McLennan John 36 18 13
14 Gillin Neale 36 16 9
15 Rotteveel Garry 36 15 10
16 Waters Peter 36 15 9
17 Luck Paul 35 19 16
18 Gill Frank 35 19 15
19 Misson George 35 15 12
20 Bowey Matt 35 15 11
21 Simon John 35 14 10
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