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Hickory Golf Day – Sunday 7th October 2018.

Hickory Golf Coming to Leongatha Golf Club

Following the first round of the G & P West, 9 hole event on Sunday 7th October, Leongatha Golf Club will be hosting members of the Golf Society of Australia (GSA) at for a history forum, light lunch and 9 holes of golf using their hickory shafted golf clubs.  The golf history buffs will be given a brief outline of LGC history and the making of our wonderful Vern Morcom course, by club historian Jon Smith.

This is a great opportunity for new (and old) members to learn more about their Club, as well as anyone in our community with an old set of hickory clubs in the garage, to pull them out, dust them off, put on your old tweeds and plaids and join in the experience.  We invite anyone interested in golf (and golf history) and looking to have some fun, to come along and join in the day.


LGC’s Kevin Castwood (far right) and GSA members at their recent hickory day at Kingston Heath GC.

Hickory Day

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