STABLEFORD: Thursday March 3rd.
Stableford: Thursday March 3rd. 59 Players
Winners: “A Grade”. Ray Burton (16) 36 Points.
“B Grade” John Moor. ( 17) 37 Points c/b
“C Grade” Ian Watson (24). 38 Points.
Nearest the Pins 4th John McLennan 1.04 mtr
7th Ian Murchie 1.64 mtr
14th John Moor 0.74 mtr
16th David Vorgwerg 2.55 mtr
Down the Line:
1. Geoff Sherman 37 pts
2. Peter Hartigan 36pts
3. Antony Roberts. 36 pts
4. Michael Oliver. 36 pts
5. Alan Sperling 36 pts.
6. Neville Toms 35 pts
7. Geoffrey McDonald 35 pts
8. Geoffrey Maher. 35 pts
9. Bert Borg. 35 pts
10. Kevin Scott. 34 pts
11. Peter Waters. 34 pts
12. Fred de Bondt. 33 pts
13. Neil Mackenzie. 33 pts.
14. Peter Buttinger. 33 pts c/b.
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