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Working Bee Re-Turf’s the corner of the 18th fairway.

Well done to the dozen volunteers that turned out to lay the turf on the 18th fairway which had been prepared by Dylan & Dennis on Wednesday.  Timing is everything with these events as if we left the repair until after the coming major events, it would likely be too dry and hot for the turf to root in as easily.  The area is roped off to ensure carts use the left hand side of the fairway and green.  The newly turfed area’s are marked as GUR (compulsory) and relief will be taken at the nearest point, no closer to the green, as per Rule 25-1.

Cart users, when travelling from the 18th green to the 1st hole, please travel behind the 18th green as close to the tree line as possible and then approach the first tee along the bitumen path.


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