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The 2018 Invy Espy Super League is up and running. Starting this Monday 26th February.SL. TeamsMatches SL

Teams and matches have been posted in the club house.

This year weekly qualifying matches will run from Monday to Sunday.

All scores in any weekly Golf Link competitions (at LGC only & cards must be entered on Golf Link. ) will go towards your teams best scores.

Once again Dylan Clark  from Invy Espy Hotel, is sponsoring the B & F competitions. 

Each week the B&F winner will receive a $25 meal voucher. And at the completion of the competition the winners of the Pat Pease Ladies B & F and the Daryl Pease Men’s B & F will also as part of their prizes will be award the Invy Espy Vouchers.

Thanks to all that have entered, and especially the 19 ladies, several of these being newer members. 

All you now have to do is Play Golf, and we will do the rest.. Results each week will be posted asap after the completion of the Sunday’s competition. 

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